Loops ... your player!

CSS is adjustable.   An API for external css objects is in the pipeline.    Effortlessly   style  just what you want.

Static and off-screen controls are two of the style options that can be used with the class='static' or class='offScreen' attributes. The style of the player can also be updated with CSS or JS on your own pages. The class='aspect-video' keeps the player at 16:9 despite the page aspect ratio, which is dependant on the shape of device screen.

These two code snippets will get everythying started!
div for video :
<practise-master id="playerOffScreen"  class="offScreen aspect-video" data-plyr-provider="vimeo" data-plyr-embed-id="355114615"></practise-master>
CDN for PractiseMaster script :

... see specific features and more code →